7 Products Your Skin Needs NOW

Stop it ahead of time: Bumpy skin

You know those “chicken skin” bumps on your face or arms? It’s called keratosis pilaris, and more than 50 percent of women have them. Although it’s usually hereditary, there are several ways to treat the common skin issue — starting with a chemical peel.

Here’s how it works: A chemical solution like glycolic and salicylic acid is applied to your skin, which dissolves the outer layers of dead cells. Once they’re loosened, “the old skin cells shed naturally, revealing smoother and healthier skin,” says Begoun.

It sounds painful (maybe the words “chemical,” “peel,” and “face” so close together have something to do with it?), but it doesn’t actually hurt, it’s more like a stinging sensation. Besides, what’s a little minor discomfort for pretty, bump-free skin, right? A chemical peel can cost between $100 and $500, and it can be done at a dermatologist’s office in less than 30 minutes. Or, you can also try one of these at-home peels:

Freeman Anti-Aging Chemical Peel, $16.85

Philosophy The Oxygen Peel, $50

DermaDoctor Physical Chemistry Multi Acid Chemical Peel, $75

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