If you read Perez Hilton, have a subscription to “People” magazine or have just stood in line at the grocery store, uh, ever, then you know that celebrity weight is a hot topic. Celebrities get flack for gaining weight, losing weight, and are constantly asked for their diet and fitness tips.
Is it a good idea to get diet or fitness advice from a celebrity? Probably not. Even though many of them work with nutritionists and fitness professionals, plenty others try insane crash diets that do way more harm than good. Your best bet: checking in with a pro before you try any new diet or fitness regimen. That’s the best way to know if what you’re doing will: 1. Work. And 2. Be safe for you in the long run.
Click here to see celebrity diet secrets.
But of course, we can’t resist hearing how Natalie Portman got into ballerina shape for “Black Swan,” or how Kourtney Kardashian lost her baby weight. That’s why we dug up celebrity diet secrets — from the stars that eat, well, nothing, to the ones that know how to maintain a healthy weight without starving themselves and everything in between. You won’t believe the crazy things actresses will try, but I guess when your job literally depends on it you do what you’ve gotta do.
However, since we do realize that celebrities are not the best weight-loss role models, we also go advice from nutritionist Paula Simpson and fitness expert Dr. Frank J. Ferrin. They told us the healthy way to slim down — pending movie role optional.
Click here to see celebrity diet secrets.