Beauty Would You Rather Game

Typically, the “would you rather” game is played at sleepovers or in the company of way too many empty shot glasses, but we decided to devise our own beauty version of the game. Fun, right?

We asked more than 80 women (and a couple guys) to weigh in on 15 crazy hair, makeup and body scenarios. They answered our “would you rather questions” and debated over which was the better option. Now it’s your turn to play “beauty would you rather.”

Click here to play our beauty would you rather game.

Check out the (totally-unlikely-but-go-with-it) would you rather questions, see how others decided, weigh the pros and cons and then tell us your choices in the comments.

Now, is this “would you rather game” going to save lives or solve all your beauty dilemmas? Um, no. But will it make you think, make you laugh, and make your boredom completely disappear? Heck yes. So what are you waiting for? Check out our good would you rather questions for girls (guys can play too though). Admit it, you’re dying to answer questions like these:

Would you rather have a Mohawk or a bowl cut?

Would you rather not trim your toenails for a year or not wear deodorant for a year?

At least with this version, no one is forcing you to choose — our other readers weren’t so lucky. They had to pick one bad option over another, and their reasons for doing so: hilarious and actually kind of logical (well, some of them). So click here to start playing “beauty would you rather” and see what everyone else has to say.