OK, so you’re not the wallflower sitting in the corner, but you’re not really the girl dancing on top of the bar either. Wondering how the heck you get noticed without doing body shots in the middle of the room?
The secret lies in the little things — how you play up your eyes, the way you style your hair, even how much fragrance you wear. Every woman should know how to draw attention to herself using subtle, sexy hints. Because nobody puts Baby in a corner. (Best movie ever, by the way.)
And the fact that you can stand out without making a fool out of yourself shows how classy you can be. Not only will people notice you, they’ll remember you long after the party has ended. All it takes is adding a little sparkle to your eye, flair to your hair and some creative touches to your outfit to draw an appreciative glance — or 12.
Click here for the easiest ways to get noticed
So whether you want a Swayze-worthy hunk to ask you out, or you just want to be noticed by your friends, acquaintances and random strangers, we’ve got the ways to get what you’re looking for. Some of these tips are so easy to do, you’ll wonder why you didn’t try them before.
The best part is, these tricks are foolproof. It only takes a few minutes to do them while you’re getting ready for a girl’s night out or an office party. Throw in our simple ideas of what to do while you’re there (like where to stand and how to act), and you’re guaranteed to get noticed from the moment you arrive to the last step you take on your way out. (Not to mention, it works wonders for your reputation.)
Click here for the easiest ways to get noticed