Beauty Tricks He Loves

Guys are tricky things. Although, to be fair, they probably say the same thing about us. But since they’re not reading this, we’re just going to say that girls make perfect sense and it’s the men who are confusing. Right? Right.

In a valiant attempt to decode “what men really want,” we went to the source: real dudes. They shared the beauty habits we do (or, er, don’t do) that drive them crazy in a good way. Everything from their preferred makeup tips, hairstyles and grooming habits to his absolute favorite thing for you to wear (this one blew our minds, seriously).

Click here to see men’s favorite beauty tricks.

Now, will these beauty tips solve all your relationship problems or make Prince Charming appear out of thin air? Well, no, we’re not that good. But they just might get the cute guy at the bar to notice you over all the other women there, or remind your boyfriend of why he’s so nuts about you. Which is not too shabby for a bunch of beauty tips that’ll take you less than an hour to do — and that’s if you do all of them, totally not required.

The best part about these beauty tricks? Since you know that guys love them, you can feel super-confident trying them, and if there’s one thing guys like, it’s confidence. I guess that’s something we have in common with them. Too bad we’ll never see eye-to-eye on playing “Grand Theft Auto” or the Kardashian’s fascinating lives. Ah well …

Click here to see the beauty tricks men love.

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