Modella Tote Set Giveaway

UPDATE: We have a winner: Congratulations, Emily Dunfee! Please check your email for how to claim your prize. Thank you to all who entered, and check back next week for another awesome giveaway.

Instead of rummaging around in your junk drawer searching for mascara, store all of your cosmetics in one easy (and cute) place. The Modella Blooming Daisy Tote Set comes with several zipper bags in various sizes to hold all your beauty essentials. Plus, the daisy pattern is so pretty. Remember: just because something is utilitarian, doesn’t mean it can’t be chic.

The Prize: One winner will receive a Modella Blooming Daisy Tote Set.

To Enter: All you have to do for a chance to win is fill out the sweepstakes form on our Facebook page.

The Deadline: The contest will run from Monday, October 1st to Friday, October 5th. We will pick a winner at 12 p.m. on Friday, October 5th. Good luck! US only; contest not valid for previous giveaway/caption winners.