Cutting curly hair presents its challenges, but, if done right, can help you avoid being compared to a mushroom
Hairstyles (Page 9)
These hair styling tools can curl, straighten, and generally make your hair look fabulous
Flat irons that curl: One tool to rule them all
Use a hair dryer stand to give yourself a blowout...or have a windblown photoshoot.
Forgo traditional bridesmaid updos with these updated looks
With these travel hair dryers, you can say bon voyage to your clunky normal-sized hair dryer
Put down that damaging curling iron and learn how to get beachy, wavy hair overnight
Your search for thicker, fuller hair starts with a diet...for your hair
Wondering how to have thick hair? Start by examining your diet
Learn how to style long, wavy hair to suit your mood, whether you're feeling sophisticated and chic or relaxed and…
These hairstyles for fine, thick hair will keep your hair looking vibrant, full, and healthy
No, an updo is NOT your only option -- check them all out here
Get expert advice to make sure your wardrobe doesn't mess with your hair color