9 Weirdest Hair Tools Ever

Hairgami Spin Braider and BraiDini

We can’t decide which is worse: Hairgami’s Spin Braider or the BraiDini. While Hairgami’s gadget didn’t really braid (it just twirled pieces of hair together), the BraiDini was the most confusing device in hair gadget history. Both products appeared in the mid-’90s, and it seemed like little girls everywhere rejoiced. But after some sleuthing we found that the Spin Braider seemed to produce more “ouches” than braids. Would you want to clip your hair to three prongs and allow them to spin crazy fast? We thought not. As for the curvy plastic piece called the BraiDini — it’s no longer available, but it’s sister products, like the HairDini, the PoofDini, and the ClipDini, are. Who wants to give those a shot?

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