Here’s some good news: celebrities are just like us. They get stuck in style ruts, walk around the house without wearing makeup, and they can go years without changing up their hairstyles.
Need proof? Well since most of us don’t live next door to a celeb, it’s not easy to track them down. But flip through any celebrity magazine and you’ll be able to spot a few stars who are stuck in this style groove. Their hair looks the same in every picture, and it just doesn’t do much to flatter their gorgeous features.
So of course we naturally want to come to their aid, right? Famous or not, we all deserve to rock fabulous hair regardless of how well (or poorly) our lives are going. And there’s nothing more fun than playing around with celebrity hairstyles.
Click here to see all seven celebrity makeovers
First, we weeded through the list of Hollywood A-listers to find the perfect hair match for each of them. Then (with a bit of help from Photoshop), we swapped in their new look and gave them a virtual hair makeover.
Now (drumroll, please) scroll through the gallery for the best celebrity makeovers you’ve ever seen. Want to have some fun with your own pictures? Check out our virtual makeover tool and try on different hairstyles and makeup looks — just for the heck of it.
Click here to see all seven celebrity makeovers