What Guys Think of Your Clothing

malin akerman skinny jeans

Coming in at No. 2: Malin Akerman’s skinny jeans

Here’s how the guys voted:

Like it: 88%

Hate it: 12%

Here’s what they had to say:

The good:

“Love them on a woman!” “Shows off their curves.” “Works really well, even on curvier women. It’s sexy because they give you a better idea of their actual shape.” “Who wouldn’t like this?”

The bad:

“Looks too uncomfortable.” “If you’re caught wearing skinny jeans, you should be tarred and feathered. They’re as gross as capri pants.”

The just plain weird:

“Better be skinny when wearing skinny jeans.” “Bonus points if the cuffs are long and cover the high heels so it looks like they’re floating.”