Fashion Brands That Give Back

Fashion sometimes gets a bad rap. After all, the entire industry is about looking good — comfort, budget, or practicality be damned. So it’s refreshing when we find fashion companies that actually care about things other than 6-inch heels or thousand dollar handbags.

Click here to see the fashion brands that give back.

Now, more than ever, designers and brands are showing just how stylish charity can be. Every year “Vogue” hosts Fashion’s Night Out, a worldwide shopping event whose goal is to help boost the economy. World-renowned designer Michael Kors recently gave $5 million to a hot meal non-profit based in New York City, and celebrities often design T-shirts whose profits go to AIDS and breast cancer awareness charities. Now that’s a reason to celebrate fashion.

And while those efforts are great, they’re also a once a year deal. Luckily, there are some fashion companies that contribute 100 percent of the time — and you’re about to meet them. Whether it’s a trendy T-shirt made for building self-esteem, or a handmade bracelet that can feed a child in need, there’s a little something for everyone.

Say hello to the days of guilt-free shopping and keep clicking to see which fashion companies are doing their part.