Fall Fashion Face-Off: You Pick The Winner!

UPDATE: We have a winner! Our Fall Budget Fashion Blogger is … Lauren. Congrats Lauren! And a big thanks to everyone who participated!

Ugh, the summer-to-fall transition. No more homemade crop tops, cheap sunnies, and DIY cutoffs that not only look great, but also cost practically nothing. Now it’s all about layers, boots, and sweaters. And while we definitely like these things, they don’t come cheap. So how do we follow these fall fashion trends and not go broke?

To answer that tricky question, we challenged eight fashion bloggers to put their frugal fashion sense to the test.

Click here to see all the Fall Budget Fashion Blogger outfits.

We’ve rounded up some of the trendiest fashion bloggers from across the globe, and asked them to create their best fall fashion look. The catch? The entire outfit has to be under $100. (And no Chanel hand-me-downs!) Now we need your help to crown the winner.

1. Scroll through each pick and choose your favorite fall fashion look.
2. Leave a note in the comment section with the word “VOTE” and your favorite contestant’s name. The contest will run for one week, from Monday, September 17th to Friday, September 21st at 5 p.m. PST.
3. The contestant with the most votes will be named the winner of the Fall Budget Fashion Blogger Contest 2012.

Sound simple enough? Keep clicking to choose your champion now.

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