UPDATE: We have a winner! Congratulations to Angela Grace Kelley. Please check your email for information on claiming your prize. Thank you to all who entered!
OK, so Faith by Faith Hill perfume will not turn you into a gorgeous blonde-haired, country-singing Grammy winner, but it will make you smell delightfully sweet. Faith by Faith Hill has romantic notes of pink peony and gardenia, and smells so pretty and light. A few spritzes and you’ll feel like a southern belle at a garden party.
The Prize: One winner will win Faith by Faith Hill perfume.
To Enter: All you have to do for a chance to win is fill out the sweepstakes form on our Facebook page.
The Deadline: The contest will run from Monday, November 12th to Friday, November 16th. We will pick a winner at 12 p.m. on Friday, November 16th. Good luck! US only; contest not valid for previous giveaway/caption winners.